Apply to Work With Chris

Let’s work together.

Before we begin...

This app will collect some important information to help me figure out if and how I can help you. Take some time with your responses. After completing it, I'll contact you via text or email if I think you're a good fit to explore next steps.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Empowered Launch Mastery is a heart-centered approach to launching a business and signing your first clients. If you have been wanting to launch your unique gifts through sessins, programs, courses, and memberships but don’t know where to begin, this is the program for you.

  • Empowered Launch follows a framework that has been tested and proven to take it’s clients from idea to launched business. Chris is there with you every step of the way with grounded support and guidance.

  • The coaching program market for business launch is saturated with offerings that offer little to no 1:1 support. Or, the 1:1 support is a mentorship that costs tens of thousands of dollars.

    This support is Chris’s specialty. With Chris, you get coaching, tech support, marketing, and consulting.

  • The Empowered Launch framework wil achieve the goal of launch and sign first clients if you are willing and able to show up with Chris and co-create with power, passion, and creativity.

  • -90 Minute Launch Session

    -Two 1:1 calls per month

    -Unlimited Telegram text support

    You literally have Chris in your back pocket when questions come up.