Meet Your Coach…

Chris M Parker

A message from Chris...

"It is my mission in this life to be of service to others on their journey to bring their uniqueness to the world through business. The more of us that bring our passion, excitement, and joy to the world through client work, the faster we will raise the vibration of our collective society."

A message from one of Chris’s Mentors...

“Chris is always progressing, learning, and discovering on his own journey of expansion. When he works with clients, he weaves together all of his training and modalities for the highest good of the client.” 

My Story

I’m a business coach today that has a proven track record in start ups and successfully growing brands in multiple industrys.

But it wasn’t always this way.

I started coaching back in 2018, and only made $2500 my first year.

I was stuggling with my identity as a coach.

I was convinced my career had to be all about what helped me on my own transformational path.

Energy healing, consciousness coaching, meditation & breathwork.

I made my business and offers about these things.

I was showing up, putting in the work, posting all over social media and building a beautiful website…

But getting little more than a few hearts and likes, and next to no website visits in return.

I had mentors suggesting that I stick with what I was good at which was business coaching.

The universe kept sending me people wanting business help, and I would gently help them a little while thinking that my real gig was spiritual help.

It took me years to figure out that my niche was actually to help people launch their online business. Or to help entrepreneurs that were struggling to revamp their business.

Once I felt this alignment and started to understand that my mission was to help others bring their unique gifts to the world through online business…

Everything changed.

Clients started showing up faster than I could create the program to take them through.

Feeling fulfilled, getting to wake up every day and change people’s lives…

Coaching is the best job I’ve ever had. And none of this is magic.

It’s nothing more than the result of following the strategies and principles I teach… And doing the right things, day after day.

That’s why I’m so excited to share everything I know about launching and growing a thriving business with you.

- Chris M Parker